It has been a year since I posted here. Last April, we moved to Germany, I had a new baby to care for, a new language to learn, a new job, and a book to write. So this Consecrated Space has been quite neglected. As a missionary and Deaconess, I write regularly for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod's Eurasia Blog, all about the mission work we're doing in Eurasia. You can catch that here. But I thought it might also be nice to try and ease back into my personal blog. So here goes. An easy one. Lists.
American Things I'm Looking Forward To During Home Service This Summer
1. Cold, fizz free water, for free. Kostenlos. Whenever you want it. Without having to budget it. And not icky and warm. Oh gosh, how I love just plain old, cold water!
2. Tator Tots
3. The Hill in St. Louis
4. Weirdly, Chili's Restaurant
5. French Silk Pie
6. Grandma Yvonne's Sour Cream Meatloaf
6a. Related to 6 because you have to have it to make certain dishes such as Sour Cream Meatloaf: Condensed "Cream of..." Campbell's soups.
7. Ted Drewes
8. Customer Service. Nice customer service. Like, they don't believe you're in their way when you want to go down the aisle customer service.
9. Target. Stocking up on clothes for Thomas for sure. And maybe me too. :-) (Matthias just has all of Thomas' old clothes).
10. Smoke free dining. Smoke free a lot of things. Just a lot less smoking.
11. Air conditioning. It got to be in the 100's here last year. Very unusual. No air conditioning. 3rd floor apartment. You do the math.
12. Obviously, our families and friends!
In the Gemeindehaus on Easter Monday.
German Things I Will Miss While in America
1. Afternoon tea/coffee time.
2. Kuchen
3. Marzipan (seriously, one of the most glorious things on earth. Where has Marzipan been all my life??!!)
4. Being able to walk a lot of places.
5. Our apartment.
6. Our friends.
7. Our church.
Well, after all, it's home now too. :-)