Monday, August 6, 2018

Real Life. True Confessions. OR Still Thankful for My Babies

It's been a day...and night. Clara's definitely teething more (her upper left molar came in late last week and the other one year old molars are on their way), and she may also have a cold (but it could be all teething symptoms too). She's working on standing by herself, including getting up to stand with no help. So, between all those things, she was restless and couldn't breath through her nose. She went to bed late, and then woke every 45 mins to one hour between 10 pm and 12:45 am. Then I couldn't get her back to sleep and tried every conceivable arrangement. She just could not breath through her nose. Finally, she fell back asleep in her bed around 2 am, at which point I finally fell asleep for the first time. The girls work shortly before 6 am. So I slept about 4 hours.

Today was Aldi day, and I didn't know what to do since I figured she'd really need that morning nap. Well, she didn't go down at her usual time, so we headed to Aldi (I and all 4 kids). When we got there, I realized that I had forgotten my list. So now I'm trying to remember my list, which I had written the night before (YES, I KNOW. WHY DID I HANDWRITE IT), while dealing with a very fuzzy brain and several children asking me non-stop questions. I only forgot one thing, btw. Aldi was a little disappointing today as the produce looked not so great and they didn't have quite a few of the items on my list. So we headed home. Clara fell asleep and transferred to her crib. She slept from about 10:20-12:45, which was great, but now she's awake while the other two are napping. It was a hard nap too (see handprint on cheek photo, something I've only ever seen before with her sister, Helene).

The rest of us unloaded groceries and made lunch. There was a lot of squabbling. Helene jumped on the couch and hurt her finger. I was pretty sure I had bought some I REALLY thought I had put them in the cart, but they were nowhere to be found. Finally, I checked the receipt, and apparently HADN'T bought any.

It's been a day so far of confusion, constant interruption, lots of fighting among the kids, and Matthias threw the hymnal on the floor during Matins, so he's in big trouble. BUT Thomas has been helpful, Clara is super happy and sweet now that she's slept, and I had a cup of tea. Matthias randomly started singing one of his VBS songs as we left for Aldi (All Who Believe and are Baptized) and worked really hard to refresh his memorization (with Helene listening raptly). Helene and I read a story from her Little House picture book treasury. This is a harder day than normal. Matthias and Helene also are ill, though Helene doesn't really act it. But we'll get through this one. We just seemed to choose the worst possible time to move Clara into Helene's room as it turns out, but Helene slept through all that crying last night, so I guess it proves that when all are well, it should work out okay?

Today I'm tired, and things are grating on me more than normal, but I still love these precious God-given gifts of mine.

Monday, July 2, 2018

"Books I Love" -- What Does it Mean to "Love" a Book?

Recently, I participated in a Facebook "challenge" wherein you post the covers of seven books you love without comment or explanation, and then nominate others to do the same.

The no explanation part is kind of hard for an English major and a writer, so, here's a little bit of general reflection on the whole idea and the books I chose, and since it's on my blog and not on the actual posts, it doesn't break the rules, right?

As I've thought about what to post, it's made me ponder what I, at least, mean by books I "love." As I scoured my shelves trying to decide on seven covers, the ones that popped out aren't ones that I "love" in a sort of effusive sense of the word. They are books that have made an impact on the way I think, have special memories attached to them, have made me ponder, or have served as comforts.

Comfort Food
I don't reread a lot of books, so when I do, you know it's meaningful to me. So several books that I've read more than once made the cut. Some of them are like eating comfort food. Jane Austen books, for instance, have been a late pregnancy staple in several of my pregnancies. Some people nest -- I read the complete works of Jane Austen. Romantic, moral, insightful, witty, clever, and yes, even sarcastic and instructive, Austen's works offer satisfaction and rich language all at once. (P.S. Yes I KNOW not everyone feels this way about Austen.)

Another "comfort food" book is Ann Howard Creel's The Magic of Ordinary Days, (also fairly well adapted to a Hallmark film starring a personal favorite actress of mine, Keri Russell). This book is soft and poignant and quiet, yet deals with big topics, such as an arranged marriage for an unwed mother and the Japanese Internment camps during WWII. It takes on these big topics in a beautifully quiet way without being about making political statements, but rather just telling the stories of these specific characters and learning to love in a simple, sacrificial way.

Other books were ones I studied in school. Their depth, the discussions around them, and the papers I wrote still leave deep impressions and memories, and sometimes shaped the way I think about things, or at least are brought to mind when something in day to day life reminds me of them. Books like this include Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment and Shakespeare's Hamlet.

I mean, it's been 17...ahem...YEARS since we discussed Crime and Punishment in my high school's AP English class, but I still remember vividly the instruction to look for how Dostoevsky makes use of the color yellow, and I can still picture in my mind what Raskolnikov's little hole of a room looked like to me as I read that description. It's one of the few books where I almost have a moving picture of that opening that runs in my head, even though I've never seen a film version.

Hamlet and John Milton's Paradise Lost were extremely important to me in my college career. The class I took on Milton and the Honors Proseminar wherein we studied Hamlet and texts which inform or come out of it in depth, were both taught by an amazing professor, Prof. Huston Diehl. Prof. Diehl was an amazing teacher with an incredible personal story, who passed away from a recurrence of cancer several years after I graduated. The intensive study of both of these works came at a time when I had decided to pursue a post-graduate degree in theology, and was becoming more and more immersed in my Lutheran heritage. As I read them, and because Prof. Diehl was such an amazing and open teacher, I was able to study them with an eye toward theological concerns in conjunction with literary ones. She encouraged me to write about what I saw there through the eyes of my faith. My paper on Milton's Paradise Lost explored Milton's conception of the Son's sonship, the Arian heresy, and the earlier concept of the Doctrine of the Logos. For Hamlet, I explored overtones of Lutheran theology or ways of thinking, as well as reformed ones and how they intersected, and how Lutheran doctrine allows Hamlet, finally, to act. These works and the writing I did on them married two things I love and still am fascinated with: theology and literature. I'm still really proud of that Hamlet paper most of all. It was supposed to turn into an Honors thesis my senior year, but I dropped it to study Attic Greek in anticipation of studying theology and the Biblical languages at the seminary. I wish I had pushed myself and also expanded that paper to be my Honors thesis. (Hindsight and all that).

One particular pick is a testament to the book itself as I really do love its wit, humor, childlike wonder, and fantastic characters, but also a testament to our family life. Far before I discovered Read-Aloud Revival, and started thinking very intentionally about what to read to my children, Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner were a favorite tradition. When my oldest (now 10) was two, we began reading A.A. Milne's fantastic stories. It's become rather a tradition to read them at least once a year. With each reading, my oldest understands more of the humor and word-play, and laughs at different aspects. When he was younger, he laughed at the obvious humor; the slapstick, and the silliness. Now that he is older, he laughs at the puns and the more subtle humor. So I love the book for the book itself, but I also love it because of the tradition it has gifted to us, which has expanded to include Milne's earlier poetry books, in which Pooh first appears with Christopher Robin: When We Were Very Young and Now We are Six.

Some others that have really been bonding for my children and I, but didn't make this particular quick list, are Escargot, Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel, Harold and His Purple Crayon, The Tale of Despereaux, The Reluctant Dragon, Farmer Giles of Ham, and, with my oldest, the Harry Potter series.

The Killer Angels accompanies an intense period of pre-teen and teenage obsession with all things to do with the Civil War. I went on to read all of Michael & Jeff Shaara's books, and they are some of the books that have survived several library reductions due to international moves, even though it's been years since I've read them again.

On an amazing seventh grade trip which they probably don't even do anymore, we visited American Revolutionary War and Civil War sites, including Gettysburg. To have read the book and also walked in those places was bone-chilling and deeply impressive to a pre-teen weirdo girl who was most definitely UNCOOL and way too into literature, history, old fashioned music, movie musicals and the like. (Can you picture me? Oh man).

Impacting the Way I Think
Of course, any one of my other picks fits into this category in some way, but one of them does so most explicitly. One of my picks is a non-fiction and theological title: Family Vocation: God's Calling in Marriage, Family and Parenting. This book is one that it's time to reread! It has been so helpful to me as I have struggled in the different times and circumstances of our lives as they have shifted with how to fulfill my vocation as a mother and how to think through also having other vocations (such as a job outside of the home when necessary). What does it mean to live sacrificially? How do children live out their vocations as children? The book isn't a how-to, but a thoughtful look at what vocation looks like for different members of the family, what it requires of us, etc. As I get older or more thoughtful, vocation comes out more and more as an incredibly helpful and important doctrine and way of thinking about life, and who we are, who our neighbor is, etc.

Not only has this book resonated in my personal life, but I've also used it in my newest book, Demystifying the Proverbs 31 Woman.

So these are books I love. Just a few of the many that have shaped me, challenged me, taught me, entertained me, and even seen me through difficult transitions and new beginnings. Grab a cup of tea, and tell me, what are the books that you love, and why?

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

A Review of The Messengers: Revealed -- You Won't Want to Miss This Book!

I was recently asked to review Lisa M Clark's third book in her series, The Messengers. Here's my review, along with a link to Goodreads where you can mark the book "to read!" Believe me, you want to! You can preorder from Amazon now, as well!

Lisa M Clark has many talents as a writer. She writes poetry and hymnody, as well as prose, devotions and much more. She weaves her gifts into her fiction, using poetry and hymnody to enhance her compelling fiction. She laces this final installment of her The Messengers series, like the others, with hymnody and original poetry, as well as Scripture, to show how the Word of God is living and active in the lives of believers, and how these beautiful words we have been given help to guard us, guide us, comfort us, and give us hope.

I was privileged to read an advance copy of The Messengers: Revealed. In the first two books, Discovered and Concealed, Simon begins his journey of understanding who he truly is and what the message worth dying for is. They are fairly action packed. While the third installment still has action, its contemplative nature reflects on Baptismal life -- life under the cross. In Revealed, Simon grows and matures as a young man and as a Christian as he faces the reality of Satan’s many means of attacking, both physical and spiritual. He wrestles with grief, anger, and broken relationships around him. Simon learns how to die, but also how to live, echoing the Baptismal life we all share. Lisa’s ability to tackle tough subjects seamlessly within the narrative, along with the use of Scripture and hymnody, leaves the reader with the hope that only God in Christ can give.

My 10-year-old can’t wait for this installment, and this is exactly the kind of reading material I hope to give him. I’m looking forward to placing the book in his hands come the release date, and to rereading these books with him as he grows and matures. Simon’s journey is ultimately one we all share as Baptized Christians struggling with the ways of this world while living in the hope of the world yet to come.