Monday, August 6, 2018

Real Life. True Confessions. OR Still Thankful for My Babies

It's been a day...and night. Clara's definitely teething more (her upper left molar came in late last week and the other one year old molars are on their way), and she may also have a cold (but it could be all teething symptoms too). She's working on standing by herself, including getting up to stand with no help. So, between all those things, she was restless and couldn't breath through her nose. She went to bed late, and then woke every 45 mins to one hour between 10 pm and 12:45 am. Then I couldn't get her back to sleep and tried every conceivable arrangement. She just could not breath through her nose. Finally, she fell back asleep in her bed around 2 am, at which point I finally fell asleep for the first time. The girls work shortly before 6 am. So I slept about 4 hours.

Today was Aldi day, and I didn't know what to do since I figured she'd really need that morning nap. Well, she didn't go down at her usual time, so we headed to Aldi (I and all 4 kids). When we got there, I realized that I had forgotten my list. So now I'm trying to remember my list, which I had written the night before (YES, I KNOW. WHY DID I HANDWRITE IT), while dealing with a very fuzzy brain and several children asking me non-stop questions. I only forgot one thing, btw. Aldi was a little disappointing today as the produce looked not so great and they didn't have quite a few of the items on my list. So we headed home. Clara fell asleep and transferred to her crib. She slept from about 10:20-12:45, which was great, but now she's awake while the other two are napping. It was a hard nap too (see handprint on cheek photo, something I've only ever seen before with her sister, Helene).

The rest of us unloaded groceries and made lunch. There was a lot of squabbling. Helene jumped on the couch and hurt her finger. I was pretty sure I had bought some I REALLY thought I had put them in the cart, but they were nowhere to be found. Finally, I checked the receipt, and apparently HADN'T bought any.

It's been a day so far of confusion, constant interruption, lots of fighting among the kids, and Matthias threw the hymnal on the floor during Matins, so he's in big trouble. BUT Thomas has been helpful, Clara is super happy and sweet now that she's slept, and I had a cup of tea. Matthias randomly started singing one of his VBS songs as we left for Aldi (All Who Believe and are Baptized) and worked really hard to refresh his memorization (with Helene listening raptly). Helene and I read a story from her Little House picture book treasury. This is a harder day than normal. Matthias and Helene also are ill, though Helene doesn't really act it. But we'll get through this one. We just seemed to choose the worst possible time to move Clara into Helene's room as it turns out, but Helene slept through all that crying last night, so I guess it proves that when all are well, it should work out okay?

Today I'm tired, and things are grating on me more than normal, but I still love these precious God-given gifts of mine.

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